Our projects

The Love of Fostering

Fostering animals that you love is a beautiful, heartwarming experience. Something to keep in mind from the start is that your new friends will expect 100% of your attention. Do not adopt an animal if you can not, or they will find something else to pay attention to, for example, chewing something valuable that may change your mind very fast once your foster friend comes to stay forever.

DGX 660 Repair - coming soon -

I've put together a step-by-step procedure for troubleshooting and repairing sticky, non-working, and out-of-place piano keys. The price of having any of these repairs done by the local music store can be quite costly. The tools and effort needed to successfully make these repairs are on the easy side. You are going to be surprised just how easy they are. If you already feel the keyboard is beyond repair, you have nothing to lose attempting these repairs on your own. So let's get started.

Doctor Doodle...

Coming Soon - Home Remedy Health Tips